Season: Summer
Location: Saison Avenue

One hour later.
He isn't here either... Just where on earth did Mayoi-dono disappear to?
Anzu-dono, did you spot him on your end?
Hm, so you caught neither hide nor hair of him. That's a problem... Mayoi-dono is very good at hiding, which can make it quite difficult for anyone searching for him.
Oh, why are you pulling out your phone, Anzu-dono? Do you have some kind of secret strategy?
I see... Since he's still wearing Dead End Café's uniform, perhaps people will be talking about him on social media?
Interesting, this method didn't cross my mind at all!
I am impressed indeed, Anzu-dono. I was so flustered that such an idea hadn't occurred to me.
Alright, I'll do some searching on my phone as well!
Keyword, keyword... Would something like "ALKALOID" work?
Hmmm... I'm not seeing anything. I suppose it isn't that easy. I'll try a different word...
Oh? Did you find something, Anzu-dono?
Oho... So you found something on a post that mentioned the department store on Saison Avenue. This certainly of Mayoi-dono, isn't it?
Hm...? Why is he curled up on a bench? How strange.
No, it won't do any good to make assumptions from the photo. I would like to ask Mayoi-dono himself for details. Let us head to the location in the photo immediately.
That was an impressive feat, Anzu-dono. Perhaps it's much like the old saying: "If you want to hide a tree, hide it within a forest"... And if you want to hide a person, do so within a crowd.
I have just noticed the multitude of "eyes"—phone cameras—pointed at him.
It would be good if Mayoi-dono is unharmed despite all the gazes upon him, but...for some reason, I am incredibly concerned.
Location: Dead End Café

Yes, the restaurant is full right now. Please put your name on the waiting list, and we'll call you when a table is available.
"How long will it take"? Umm, I'd say around 30 minutes. Apologies for the delay.
(This is bad... It's impossible to keep up with everything when two of our servers are away...)
(I wonder if this is too much for even Hibiki-senpai to handle...?)
whisper Tomoya-kun, Tomoya-kun.
Yeah, what is it, Hibiki-senpai?
I suddenly feel like putting on a show. Would you be so kind as to become my assistant and lend me a hand?
Hah? Just when I thought you'd say that...
Generally speaking, if you were to do that, the table turnover would decrease.
The people waiting outside would get mad and start filing complaints.
That is precisely why I want to do it, Tomoya-kun! Please put aside common sense and think for yourself. Now, take a close look around the café...☆
Although there are no empty seats, there is still an abundance of empty space within the café.
We can therefore let everyone in and entertain them with a performance as they wait to be seated.
Why don't we bet on the possibility that Sengoku-kun will arrive with Mister Phantom before the end of our show? The moment they return, we'll have enough hands to resolve this entire situation.
Eh? Well, it is possible in theory. But...
"But"? Now, Tomoya-kun, surely you can't be entertaining the possibility of failure?
I'm not too fond of boasting, but allow me to remind you that I am the best of the best—that I am one of the Five Eccentrics, Wataru Hibiki!
I shan't perform for merely 30 minutes, but an hour—no, I could even do this for all eternity!
Indeed, I could provide everyone with so much amazing, they forget the passing of time itself! ♪
Or were you entertaining the possibility that Miss Anzu and the rest won't return in time? Oh dear, I don't recall raising such a heartless child.
Since when did I ever see you as my dad?!
...Fine. Whatever. I'll go along with your plans, if you insist.
After all, I believe that they'll come back as well.
Splendid! I knew you would say that♪
Now then, Tomoya-kun, please let everyone in at once! We shall make all of them have the time of their lives—it's showtime! ♪
God, you truly are a natural-born entertainer, huh?
Go break a leg, Hibiki-senpai! You better apologize if this show of yours fails!
Hehehe. If it came to that, I'd give you permission to boil or burn me, to reprobate me in any way you'd see fit. But fear not, I'd sooner perish than allow such mistakes to occur...
Though, I'm already dead right now♪
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls—come one, come all! The dead man's act is about to begin! All payments can be made later on♪
Welcome to Dead End Café's surprise grand opening show! Brought to you by the passerby street performer, your very own Wataru Hibiki...☆