Season: Summer
Location: Seisou Hall - Kitchen

Early September, Seisou Hall., let's "talk" about "dinosaurs".
Why dinosaurs...? We're in the middle of talking about how to split the Creature Clubs' budgets right now—don't change the subject!
sadly, the "dinosaurs" have all gone "extinct".
Okay then, so you basically don't intend to listen to a word I say.
there was a dramatic "change" in the "environment", caused by a "meteorite" colliding into the earth.
it's said that the "dinosaurs" all died out because they couldn't overcome that change.
Oh, yeah~ I've heard of that. The meteorite made dust cover the entire sky, blocking out the sun and causing the Earth to freeze over.
Since most dinosaurs were cold-blooded, they couldn't move around in the cold, so they couldn't hunt for food and eventually starved to death, right?
But mammals were fine with the cold, because they had fur to keep them warm... or something like that.
you're so knowledgeable, nazuna.
Nah, I'm just saying what I remember off the top of my head.
More importantly, I can't see where this discussion is going. What're you trying to say? What do dinosaurs have to do with how we split the dorm circles' budget?
fufu. kids these days always want to jump to a "conclusion".
We're the same age, though~ Don't start talking like Rei-chin.
If you're saying something weirdly cryptic to confuse me and make me agree with you, it's not gonna work.
As the representative of Creature Club: Animals, I won't budge.
In fact, we could have all the money in the world and it still wouldn't be enough, y'know~ In contrast, you guys at Oceans don't need much money at all, right?
whose money do you think is used to "purchase" the "fish" and other seafood we eat every day here at "seisou hall"?
Wait, you mean you guys were the ones purchasing the fish we eat at the dorms?
no, the actual purchasing is done by "suppliers".
but the "decision" of which "fish" to "buy" is left to us at "oceans".
also, if we saw any decrease in our "budget allocation", it would become more difficult to buy more "tanks" for the dorms.
if that happens, i would be in a worse "mood", and the "quality" of "fish" we purchase would drop. are you sure you want that?
So it's a matter of your mood?! We're talking money right now!
The Creature Clubs get their budgets from ES under the premise that it's used for things like the dorms' pet expenses.
Don't go wasting it on vague stuff like putting yourself in a better mood or something.
what i'm saying is that using all the "budget" on "land animals" is "unfair".
"seisou hall" is very lacking in "moisture" right now, because none of the "budget" is given to us.
"fish" have "existed" since ancient times long ago, and have survived that which killed the "dinosaurs"...
they're the "great elders" of this planet. can't you show them some more "respect"?
I'm not looking down on fish or anything. But we don't need to go as far as cutting down on pet expenses, which are absolutely necessary, just to get more tanks to keep fish in.
the "creature clubs" get a "lot more" money in their "budget" than necessary...
so i'm asking if "oceans" can get even just a little bit more of it.
No means no! I can't give you guys what we don't have, and the current budget split is just fine!
ehh~? that's unfair! that's favoritism! does having a "fur pelt" really make you so much more "important"?
Hmmm~? But we do need to save up extra money, just in case someone's pet gets sick or something...
mn? what's the matter, nazuna?
please don't make that "face". i got "worked up" and reacted a little too "harshly", okay? i'm sorry.
O-Oh, no, that's okay, I understand how you feel, Kanata-chin. But that's not—just, leave that for later and look! Look, over there!
look at what...?
Location: Seisou Hall - First Floor Hallway

Location: Seisou Hall - Kitchen

...? that's someone from "oceans"—
the lover of "shrimp", izumi.
Yeah, and our Tomo-chin is there too. What are they doing? They're walking so close to each other...
yes, as if they're a "couple"~♪
Yeah, you're right—they're being kinda weird, huh?! C-Could it be that... that Izumi-chin isn't satisfied with just Mako-chin, and now he's subjecting Tomo-chin to his torment?