Season: Summer
Location: Ensemble Square - Emergency Stairs

Anyway, we've gotta do something about this situation ASAP. Before anyone sees us and causes a commotion, if possible.
It's about time for everyone to get here, too, so we'd better hurry... Though last night we did manage to hide ourselves in your dorm room, since it was empty for some reason.
Yeah... My roommate, Ayase-senpai, hardly shows up at all for some reason. I sometimes feel his presence from inside the ceiling, though.
I don't know this Ayase person, but you're saying there's another weirdo here now? What is this place, a weirdo factory?
Ayase-senpai says and does weird things sometimes, but he's a good person. Probably.
Anyway, let's focus on getting out of these handcuffs as quickly as possible. At this rate, it'll get in the way of our daily lives.
I've learned that the hard way. Not getting to use one of my hands is already enough of a pain, and neither of us wants to be stuck together until the day we die, right?
Yeah. You keep complaining whenever I try to do anything too, and it feels like I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown any second now...
Uh, or rather, you wouldn't be able to go back to Italy still handcuffed to me.
Yeah, I doubt they'd let me through airport security looking like this.
We'll just have to do something about this before anyone finds us. Where were you practicing your magic trick? We should try looking there first.
Before that, I wanna get some food... I've skipped a few meals since yesterday because of this whole situation, so I'm starving.
Maybe I should've brought some snacks from my dorm room...
Haha. Boys your age sure have to eat a lot, don't they, To-mo-ya-kun? Maybe it's because we're practically attached to each other right now, but I can hear your tummy rumbling♪
What? My tummy wasn't rumbling, though?
Aww, come on, there's no need to be shy. Didn't we take a bath together last night? We're practically besties♪
I-It's not like I had a choice, and I tried my best not to look in your direction—
Wait, huh? I just heard a noise that sounded like a hungry stomach, too. Was that you, Sena-senpai?
Excuse me? As if I would ever make such an unflattering noise in public!
Speaking of unflattering, how are we gonna use the toilet like this...? We barely managed to take a bath, but it'd be impossible to avoid things when using the toilet, right?
Don't think of that right now! As long as we somehow get out of these handcuffs before we can't take it anymore, we won't have to worry about that, okay? I'm saying we should take action before that! Don't you understand?!
Ughh, why do you get all snappy so quickly? The way you're saying it makes it sound like all of this is my fault~!
And it's true! If you hadn't practiced that magic trick where I could see you, none of this would—
Ahaha, didn't you just say you wouldn't make unflattering noises, Sena-senpai?
I-I-I couldn't help it, okay?! Hey you, you orange mop! What's with you all of a sudden? Don't scare us like that!
Uuurrghh, urrraaaghh—
Wh-What is that? Some sort of impression? I get that you're the one who's been making weird noises all this time, but...?
(...Oops, better hide the handcuffs before he sees them.)
(Ughh. Hiding the handcuffs like this makes me feel like I'm on TV with the subtitles saying, "The culprit is finally being arrested!" or something...)
(Just what crime did we commit to get ourselves in this mess?)
Wh—To-mo-ya-kun! Don't just stand there daydreaming, do something about this orange mop! Ra*bits and Trickstar are friends and stuff, right?!
Eeek?! Wh-Why are you clinging on to me, Akehoshi-senpai?! Stop, Hokuto-senpai and Hajime'll get mad at me...!
Raaaaaaughh~ as they say♪
Huh? What? Oogami-senpai and Sengoku—wh-what's going on? Why are you coming towards us while making weird noises?!
It looks like they're not the only ones being weird, though...?
Bleeeaaagh, raaarrgh.
Uh, ungghh? Uhhhhgghh—
Eep, there's people acting weirdly coming from downstairs, too!
Yep, and even people like Kao-kun who wouldn't usually join in on annoying pranks like this are here... H-Hang on, this is so weird that it's actually starting to creep me out...
Eeep?! Th-This guy just tried to bite me! Stop it, Akehoshi-senpai, I thought you were nice?!
"Ding dong ding dong♪"
"This is a public service announcement. There is currently a special event being held in the ES Building—Idol of the Dead."
Mmn? Idol of the what now? That's Nazunyan's voice, isn't it?
Yeah, it is. It's been a while, getting to hear Nii~chan's voice over the speakers like this...♪