Season: Summer
Location: Ensemble Square - Hallway

...? What's wrong, Sena-senpai? Are you gonna say that I'm "mind-numbingly ordinary" again?
Mn~... Actually, I was thinking that your ability to act so ordinarily in this ridiculously extreme situation is a talent on its own.
I've been spending all this time running around like a headless chicken, but you somehow seem to be getting calmer and calmer. I just thought that was pretty impressive, that's all.
I'm just used to the extraordinary. Rather, ever since I entered Yumenosaki, everything that happens around me has been ridiculous and strange.
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I'd experience all of this!
So, somehow, I feel like today's just like any other day.
I see. But still, being able to stay sane as if it's "just any other day," no matter how drastically your surroundings change—I think that's a pretty valuable skill. Someone like you could be really strong in this industry, y'know?
Th-Thanks. But if I'm not interesting enough just by being my ordinary self, I don't think I'll be very popular as an idol—
So I wanted some kind of redeeming feature or special talent that I could show off.
That's why I've been practicing magic tricks so hard. I thought that could be what makes me unique, just like what the public and our agency are saying.
Well, that didn't work out as well as I'd hoped, and I couldn't do anything better than just "average," no matter how hard I tried.
And because of that, I messed up, and I even caused you all this trouble—
Oh, sorry. I started rambling again.
Like I said, I don't mind. It passes the time, anyway.
Besides, I think we're having a much more meaningful day than someone pretending to be a zombie and wandering all over the place for no good reason, aren't we?
So as thanks for spending some quality time with me, let me give you some advice as your senior.
Advice, and not criticism?
Not criticism. ...I think I've had the same worries as you in the past, To-mo-ya-kun.
You, of all people, Sena-senpai?
You, who's always so confident it gets on people's nerves?
Why'd you rephrase it like that? Do you want to make me angry?
Anyway, when I first entered Yumenosaki, my modeling career was starting to plateau...
My juniors were getting better and taking jobs that could've been mine, and I didn't have my own place in the industry.
So I decided to use Yumenosaki as a new playing ground to develop my other talents.
But I turned out to not be that great at idol stuff. In the beginning, I could barely even handle the basics like singing and dancing.
When I stopped to look at the people around me, I found myself surrounded by more geniuses than I could count, all in a totally different league from me. I would compare myself to them, and I'd feel completely discouraged.
Thinking back, that was pretty stupid. They're them, and I'm me.
But look at me now. That pathetic loser managed to become so successful, he can act all high-and-mighty as a member of Knights, one of ES's Big Three. Can you guess why?
Huh? Isn't it because you found out you were talented after all?
I dunno about that... But, talented or not, there's always a road to success. In my case, I grabbed a nearby genius and used him as my weapon.
I used that weapon to strike down everyone else, and conquered the summit. But my weapon broke as a result of me using it so carelessly.
I probably made a big mistake there. But either way, I succeeded. I got the results and the praise I've always wanted, and I regained my sense of self-worth.
You should just do the same, To-mo-ya-kun.
Though you shouldn't be reckless like me and hurt the people around you while doing so. Even if you're a normal, average person, you should still be able to succeed.
After all, we're not alone in our battles.
Thanks to the annoying-ass unit system being the mainstream, we'll have to group up with someone else whether we like it or not.
Leave the difficult stuff you can't do to someone else. It's nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of.
You don't have to do everything on your own.
If only the younger me could've noticed that sooner.
If only I could've thought of him as a teammate to fight along with side by side, instead of seeing him as a weapon that could only do whatever I told him to—
Maybe he wouldn't have had to suffer on his own and break under it all.
...Ah, sorry. You have no idea what I'm going on about, huh. This is sooo embarrassing.
Nah. I'll use your words right back at you—I don't mind. Besides, it'd be unfair if I made you listen to my worries and not let you do the same.
We're connected like this now, so I'll help you carry whatever you've got on your shoulders.
I don't wanna become an extra piece of baggage for you, and it's easier for two people to carry it than just one, right?
Hmm? I don't really get what you're trying to say, but you're being pretty cheeky~♪
Didn't you say that "a touch of rebelliousness is cute"?
Besides. This rare piece of advice you gave me could come in handy.
You're right—we're not doing this alone, and we can leave the things we can't do to others who can.
Of course, it'd be rude to make someone else always do all the work. That would break them, like you said. But yeah, I guess I can depend on others every once in a while.
Sena-senpai, I've just thought of a plan. Could you help me out?
Haa? I'm not exactly in any position to not help you, am I?