Season: Winter
Location: SANCTUARY Amusement Park

Well then. I'd love to bask in the joy of seeing these cute rabbits squirm some more, but alas...
I wonder if that too is a wicked way to entertain myself. So for now, let's prioritize making you feel at ease.
Feel at ease...?
I'm talking about your friends. Aren't you feeling anxious about what might have happened to the other Ra*bits members who got separated from you?
As long as you're worried about them, any explanation I try to give you is simply going to go in one ear and out the other.
R-Really? Maybe that is the case... Eichi-onii-chan, do you know where Tomoya-kun and Nii~chan might be? Is that why you brought it up?
I have an estimate of their whereabouts. If you were to think about it logically, in the proper way, you too could deduce it.
Yuzuru, teach Hajime-kun and his friend how to use the collier.
Gorilla...? Now's not the time to talk about your favorite animals!
It is a collier, Tenma-sama. He didn't say gorilla, but colly-ey.
It is the name of this wristwatch-like equipment we're wearing.

Ahhh, what a waste! You're such a party pooper, Yuzuru!
Tenma-kun went as far as giving such a perfect chance to be the butt of the joke, but you went and gave him the plainest reaction he could receive!
Because I have no interest in doing a comedy skit. Eichi-sama, don't you think you might have been a little too influenced by Trickstar's antics?
Yep. I'm aware of it because I'm a fan of theirs.
But that's precisely why I don't have any intention of letting them end simply as a one-time miracle.
Hehe. I digress. Right now, where we are in Kanto, there's a grand event happening. These colliers are equipment prepared for its sake.
Losing your collier will cause quite a few inconveniences, so please be careful to not take it off and misplace it.
I-Is this something that important? I only got told that this is a watch that will earn you money simply by wearing it.
But there's no way we'd get something that nice for free. The world just doesn't work like that.
Tehe. It's not like it's going to explode, so you don't need to be that cautious about it.
Indeed. This collier would be similar to a smartphone.
It's equipment for the sake of making your time at SANCTUARY more enjoyable. There's no risk factor at all.
Huuuh, a phone? I don't really like that kinda stuff! It gets in the way when I'm runnin'!
Running is all you ever care about... Is that the only thing you value?
Hehe. He won't budge on that. I think that people who are simple in such a good way are really cool♪
Ehem♪ I don't really get it, but I got praised! Keep it comin'!
Hehe. In any case, these colliers have something similar to a GPS system implanted into them.
SANCTUARY's administrators will know the whereabouts of anyone wearing it.
That, of course, is only true if you don't dismantle it and remove the GPS system.
I'm also close enough with the administrators to get in touch with them. Perhaps if I ask, I'd be able to determine the whereabouts of the missing Nito-kun and Mashiro-kun.
Or rather, I already had some suspicions, so I checked it myself. They are quite close to us from what I see.
Really?! Where, where? Nii~chaaan! Tomo-chaaan!
Ahaha. Unfortunately, they're not close enough for your shouts to reach them. There's a map with information on the amusement park right here. Let's give it a look.
We're currently in this location, the plaza at the entrance of SANCTUARY.
Let's see. There's a building over here listed as the information desk... Somehow, this park is a lot bigger than I imagined.
Indeed. In size, I heard it's the biggest in the entire country.
By the way, apparently Nito-kun is here in the castle at the heart of SANCTUARY.
Castle... Castle...
Whoa, there really is one! I can see it all the way from here—it's huuuge!
It sure is. I wonder why Nii~chan is there. Is he a princess...?
Eh, what do you mean? Why should he be a princess just because he's in a castle?
Ah, it just gives me that kind of image. In fairy tales, people who live in castles tend to be princesses.
Hehe. It's not like he lives there, though.

On the other hand, it would appear that Mashiro-kun is over here, at an area still in development.
Of course I mean to say this about Nii~chan too, but what is he doing in a place like that...?
Who knows. But that place is off-limits, so I'd like for him to get out of there as soon as possible.
I-I agree. An area still in development—if that means it's still under construction, there might be a bunch of dangerous things around.
Yes. As such, I have sent someone to pick him up. I think he'll be fine. As long as he doesn't move around too much, they'll be able to meet up with him with ease.
Really...? That's great to hear. What a relief♪
Same. But why are Nii~chan and Tomo-chan both already inside the park? They didn't talk to us about it at all, so I was super worried!
Hmm. I'm just guessing here, but it might be related to whatever Order they've received.
During the qualifying rounds, if someone starts acting strangely, there's a high chance it's due to their Order.
Ahh... S-So that's what this is about.
That Order stuff is so annoying! It's stressin' me out! I wanna dash around!
Tehe. I guess that's why Mitsuru-kun seems to be on edge.
But I see... Because of their Orders, Tomoya-kun and Nii~chan had to leave without saying anything. If that's the case, there's nothing we can do about it.
I heard that if you disobey your Order, you would have to pay a fine.
That would mean that all the SSL$ that we have fought our utmost hardest to gain would be gone.
It would mean all the effort we've put in until now would have gone to waste. I kind of don't want to accept that.
On a similar topic, leaders have a Secret Order, so they are tied down by more restrictions.
As such, if at any time you think my behavior or speech is strange, I'd be happy if you pay no mind to it.
No matter how horrible my actions might become, there is a chance that they weren't done by my own volition.