Season: Winter
Location: Helicopter

Meanwhile, on Ensemble Square's private helicopter.
(Heheh. Thank you as always, Yuzuru.)
(I know you're content simply serving from the sidelines, but you are Tori's sun—a warm and reassuring presence in his life.)
(I would only lead Tori down the wrong path with my current mental state.)
(So I need you to keep him on the right path at all times.)
(...I suppose you could say that I have a bad habit of putting up a façade in front of my adorable juniors.)
(Arguably, I'm treating them as fans I must entertain rather than as friends and equals.)
(Which is rude of me, as they only want to get closer.)
(What a way to analyze myself. Oh well. It's meaningless to remain like this. I have to take things into my own hands if I want to change the world.)
(I have no time left. If I want to move forward, I have to push aside any and all obstacles.)

...Why, hello, Nito-kun. I know that you're full of energy, but could you please quiet down a little? The static is killing me.
<Shaddup! Whadda hell have ya been up to?!>
Ahaha. Fumbling on your words again, aren't you? How cute.
<Oh, heck off! That's creepy! I don't want you to like me!>
I only said that you were cute, not that I like you.
In this case, "cute" is a negative description.
<I dunno... Maybe the definition of the word changed for me?>
<But, y'know, it's great to see you in such high spirits. Hope you die soon.>
Tehe. I adore that you can say that to pitiful little me.
<Shut the hell up! I heard allll about you from Anzu and Gatekeeper!>
<What have you been doing to my kids? Some kind of experiment?!>
<I dunno what's going on, but if you lay a single finger on them, I'LL GET YOUR ASS!>
You don't know what's going on, yet you're already this upset? I'm impressed.
You're truly like an animal acting with its instincts, which is exactly why this experiment matters so much for all of you.
<The hell are you talking about...? Why don't you ever talk in a way people would get?!>
Because they don't need to. Thinking will only tire you out, after all.
You're just like livestock utterly dependent on their owners. You give no thought to anything, happily accepting whatever is given to you.
Mhm. I will create a paradise just for you.
<...? The heck are ya sayin'? And for the record, no one asked you to do anything!>
<We're happy as is! You wanna say that actually, we're all unfortunate and pathetic and that you'll make us happy?!>
Yes, precisely. Ah, you always respond exactly in the way I want you to.
In that respect, you would've been a magnificent idol, Nito-kun. It'd be such a waste for you to remain an ordinary college student.
It's all because of you that we were able to defeat Valkyrie two years ago. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Love makes us weak, foolish. It was love that drove Itsuki-kun to try to protect what was in front of him, only to slip into the guillotine.
As pointless as it is to discuss situations from the past, let's say he did operate independently, like the rest of the Five Eccentrics...
He would be able to withstand any attack, convert that will into artistic inspiration, and rise like a phoenix from the ashes.
Even if we defeated him, he could return from the dead before the Five Eccentrics were all executed.
But that'd be quite the problem, no? Hence why I insulted him and stripped him of everything, right in front of his loved one.

He could bear defeat, but he was too proud to bear disgrace.
And so Itsuki-kun died under the weight of his own conceit.
<Nah... That guy's still alive and kicking. Don't go around declaring people dead.>
It seems, like any animal, you can't wrap your head around metaphors, Nito-kun.
Which is exactly why I wanted you to be a part of this experiment, if possible.
Its leadership may have changed, but you are still the heart of Ra*bits. Your mere presence is enough to pollute the way the younger ones react and respond.
You are their big brother. Their role model. An idol they look up to. Their perception of idols is influenced by you whenever they see you.
I want them to experience a "SANCTUARY" free of textbooks and outside influences. That is why I'm conducting this experiment.
<...Is that why Anzu's isolated from the other idols?!>
You make completely illogical statements based on gut instinct—yet they are all factual. How frightening.
This is why I'm so bad at dealing with pure and innocent children like you.
But at the same time, I need you all to retain the purity I could no longer attain.
<I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I've got no idea what the hell you're talking about!>
And I've told you I'm offering no explanation. I don't even want to talk with you. ...Put me on the line with Gatekeeper.
We are having a bit of trouble due to an oversight on my part.
But I want him to know I'll deal with it myself, and I don't want anyone interfering.
<Trouble?! A-Are my kids alright?!>
I would have to get in touch with Gatekeeper to know for sure. Some things here just make no sense, and I want to hear his response.
<No sense...?>
Yes. For one, I want to know exactly what Order he gave Wataru.
Secondly, I want him to know that I will not let it slide if he's the reason behind Wataru's odd behavior.
- ↑ Just imagine Nazuna screaming into his phone here. He's calling from SANCTUARY's information desk. You can see some of Nazuna's side of the conversation in his rare Mini Talk.