Season: Winter
Location: Downtown Alley?

A few hours later, on the "Dark Side" of SANCTUARY. In the Run-Down Dumpster Alley (popular nickname).
pant pant
What the actual HELL is going onnnn?! Everything's SO goddamn WEIRD!
Shush... Quiet down, Tomoya-kun. The monsters might see us.
What're those monsters even doing, anyways?! Who the hell do they think they are?
I'd understand if they were just loitering around the street, but not if they're in shops and stuff like everything's normal!
Thanks to them, I can't buy us food or call the cops! All I could do was just run away with you, holding hands!
Wait, why ARE you holding my hand?! Is it hard for you to walk?!
Was there really a need for you to shout? Doing this prevents us from being separated, no?
Holding your hand gives me warmth, too.
Ugh... Now that you mention it, it's the middle of winter, huh. With the sun going down, we might freeze to death walking around with the clothes we have on now.
Shouldn't we go back to the apartment where we would be warmer?
But that police-slash-monster thing visited us there... Urgh, it doesn't make sense even when I say it out loud.
Anyways, let's go look for a safe place to hide in like that apartment. We are just wandering around with no goal in mind, so the monsters might catch us eventually.
Maybe we could try to find a train station or something, but I doubt any trains are still running at this hour.

What's that smile for?
Ah, please don't squeeze your hand so much! It hurts!
I kinda had a feeling that you were making fun of me right now.
I would never! You are a fine person that thinks with his head and does what he ought to do!
Nah, I'm basically just cluelessly wandering around.
Even so, that's much better than me, who can't think and doesn't know what to do. Up until this point, I've been of no help to you at all...
There's not much you can do about it since you have amnesia... Well, if you're faking all of this just so you can point and laugh at me later, then you're truly a dick.
Why are you so wary of me? Was I really that bad? But I truly don't remember anything?
It always feels like you were saying lies one after another. But, uuugh, I shouldn't take my anger out on someone else, even if that someone is you.
Sorry. You always seem so happy no matter what I do, so I exaggerate my reactions to try and get a more genuine response from you.
But I am giving a reaction? I'm giving the reaction that I'm happy!
Hmm... If you always just give the same types of reactions to everything, people around you will start thinking that you're like a robot.
...All of us in Ra*bits have been feeling like that lately. It's not like we're slacking off, but it feels like we are just doing the same things over and over again.
We've been trying all sorts of ways to spice up our performances, but the audience's reaction remains the same.
They always say stuff like: "You guys never fail to impress!", "So cute!", "Ra*bits always heals my soul"—
It's always the same in the past, present, and future. I don't know if we can keep going on like this... Won't everyone get bored of us eventually?
We always get the same things each time, but we're starting to get greedy for other things too.
Ah, sorry. This isn't the time to be rambling again...
It's fine. I think I understand your feelings, Tomoya-kun.
Hmn? You lost your memories. How are you supposed to know?
Even if you didn't, you're part of the Five Eccentrics and ES's Big Three, and you're always called a super genius. I'm nothing like that.
But aren't we all humans of the same planet? And entertainers that perform in order to make others happy?
Did your memories come back? Do you remember who you are?
Because you're right: you are an entertainer! In fact, you're so much of one that if that trait got taken away from you, there'd be nothing left!
Tehehe. Really? So I'm still an entertainer right now.
After some introspection, I concluded that I have the memories of a five-year-old.
So all memories made after that have vanis—
Hold up. How the hell did a five-year-old like you even exist?
I'm not certain. Well, my neighbors told me that I was quite the intelligent and mature child.
How could a five-year-old have that big of a vocabulary... Surely there must be a limit for growing up too fast.
Is there? Am I really that strange?
Yeah. When I was five, I was pretty much like a wild animal.
When I was looking through my baby book, I saw photos of me innocently playing with toys, crying when my sister's crying—
I was just an ordinary kid no matter how you look at it.
Hehehe. You got caught up in your sister's tears... You were always quite the sensitive one, huh?
I get influenced by others easily. The mood of the room always affected me, and I always liked toys that were considered trendy. I felt at ease being the same as everyone else.
Every once in a while, I'd act out of character. And that usually resulted in me getting the short end of the stick.
Like for example, I was worried about Hajime, who was getting picked on for some reason. I stood up for him and got isolated from others as a result.